Elegance In Interior Design.
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From The Blog
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Helio White Quartz Countertops Restaurant Refurbishment
Helio White Quartz, the bright, hardworking finish... This gorgeous restaurant refurbishment we recently carried out at the Crown Plaza in Dublin. Different style tables, countertops and breakfast bar all finished beautifully with a bright, stain resistant top. ...
Rock Cemento Quartz Worktop
Rock Cemento Quartz, the natural look... This gorgeous kitchen is finished off beautifully with 20mm granite countertops and a 60mm mitred edge. The material is unique, sensual and inspired by earth, concrete, limestone and sand. It gives a soft and natural finish...
Aluminio Nube Quartz Worktop
Aluminio Nube Quartz A cloudy shade of silver from Silestone by Consentino. This attractive quartz contrasts beautifully with the darker cabinets in this classic kitchen. This silver surface resembles the colour of the clouds in winter when the storm subsides and...
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